A major feature of DTA Connect is the My Info page, available both through an online portal or mobile app. The DTA Connect My Info page is available anytime, allowing clients to initiate certain updates to their case record with minimal staff intervention and at their convenience. As such, clients may use DTA Connect to update the following items:
Residential Address
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Preferred Language
E-mail Address
Shelter Expenses
Utility Expenses
Dependent Care Expenses
Medical Expenses
Clients can make these updates whether their case is SNAP-only, TAFDC- or EAEDC-only, or a combo case. From 5 AM to 7 PM on weekdays, batches related to changes reported on DTA Connect will run every 30 minutes.
To prevent clients from reporting information that DTA already knows about, DTA Connect displays the contact information, preferred language, income, and expenses on record in BEACON.
When clients for any DTA program use DTA Connect to update their phone number, e-mail address, and/or preferred language, BEACON will automatically update the case.
When a SNAP-only client in the FAW model uses DTA Connect to report a change, BEACON will automatically wrap the SNAP case or create an Action.
Note |
When BEACON automatically recalculates SNAP benefits based on information reported through DTA Connect, the information is considered verified via self-declaration. The expense types that could be automatically recalculated based on a client report are limited to expense types for which DTA accepts a self-declaration. Otherwise, the items will be listed in BEACON as unverified. |
For TAFDC, EAEDC, or combo cases, most changes reported via DTA Connect will cause the client to appear on a new view in BEACON: Client Info Update DTA Connect (My Office > Views > Daily Priority Actions). These changes will always require case manager review; there will be no auto wrapping. This also applies to SNAP-only households that remain assigned to their previous case manager due to TAFDC or EAEDC closing within the last 30 days.
Information on using DTA Connect to update the other items can be found in the separate Online Guide pages linked below:
To establish a written record of what the client reported via DTA Connect (web portal or mobile app), BEACON will create a datasheet whenever a client uses DTA Connect to edit their shelter, SUA, dependent care, and/or medical expenses. There will be a separate datasheet generated for each type of change that the client reported (e.g., Utility Cost web form, Dependent Care web form, Health Insurance and/or Medical Expenses web form).
Once generated from DTA Connect, the datasheet(s) will be available in the Client Communications page in BEACON.
Below is a sample datasheet:
When Changes are Entered for TAFDC, EAEDC, or Combo Cases (Back to Index)
TAFDC, EAEDC, and combo case clients can use DTA Connect to update case information at any time. A new view, Client Info Update DTA Connect, (My Office > Views > Daily Priority Actions) has been created in BEACON to record all changes reported in DTA Connect.
When a client reports a change on DTA Connect, BEACON will create a record for the client alerting the case manager to review the change(s). These records will appear on the assigned case manager’s Client Info Update DTA Connect (My Office > Views > Daily Priority Actions) view. Each reported change will create a separate record on the view. Clients reporting multiple changes will result in multiple records appearing on the view for the same client. When this occurs, case managers must review each change.
The data for the changes that the client reports on DTA Connect will be automatically transferred to the corresponding BEACON pages and fields. A pencil to a re-visit will be placed on all BEACON pages needing review, requiring the case manager to visit each relevant BEACON page.
Once a case manager chooses a record on the Client Info Update DTA Connect view, they can then enter the client’s Electronic Case Folder (ECF) clicking the “ECF” button on the far left-hand side of the view.
For each reported change, the case manager must:
review the entire case to determine if any additional questions arise based on the reported changes,
review datasheet created for the change(s),
review all the necessary BEACON pages,
review all available documents in the Electronic Case File (ECF) (if necessary),
verify all updates on the verification tab (if required),
send VC-1 (if necessary), and
document all changes in the narrative.
When all of the above steps have been completed, the client’s case must be wrapped up in the Interview Wrap Up page in BEACON. Before exiting the Interview wrap up page, you will receive a pop up asking “Would you like to clear all changes listed on the Client Info Update DTA Connect view? Select yes to disposition all”.
Choosing “Yes” to this pop up will allow for each record(s) to be auto-dispositioned as completed on the Client Info Update DTA Connect view as well as clearing the record(s) from the view. The record(s) will be cleared upon successful release of the wrap up.
Choosing “No” to this pop up means you must disposition each record on the Client Info Update DTA Connect view individually. No auto-dispositioning will take place. Only choose “No” if you are unable to clear all tasks due to needing additional verification information.
Many changes are now able to be verbally self-declared, such as address, shelter expense, utility expenses, and do not require additional verification from the client. A VC-1 must not be sent for any verifications that can be verbally self-declared unless questionable or contradictory. |
Action: DTA Connect – Caseload to FAW Review (Back to Index)
When TAFDC or EAEDC case closes, and the SNAP case remains open, the case remains with the assigned cash case manager for 30 days. This means that the associated task(s) will continue to appear on the assigned case managers Client Info Update DTA Connect view. However, if 30 days elapse and their case transitions to the FAW model while the associated task(s) are on the Client Info Update DTA Connect view, BEACON will automatically create the Action: DTA Connect – Caseload to FAW and then remove the task(s) from the case managers Client Info Update DTA Connect view.
If you receive this Action, you must follow these steps:
Enter the client’s case, and open the datasheet(s) in the Client Communication tab to view the change(s) that the client reported on DTA Connect.
If the reported change requires no further action steps on the case, you must wrap the case write a detailed narrative, and disposition the Action. (See additional details in the table below.) This is because BEACON will not autowrap a case when the change was reported while the case was assigned to a TAFDC or EAEDC worker nor when is transitions to the FAW model.
If the reported change requires further action steps on the case before processing it, address the reported change(s) per existing procedures. (See additional details in the table below.)
The table below details the conditions under which you can wrap the case, and provides links to the steps you must follow when you are unable to wrap the case (the steps will be different depending on the reason you cannot wrap the case):
Item for which the Client Reported a Change: |
You can wrap the change if: |
What to do if you cannot wrap the case because: |
Residential Address |
Mailing Address |
Shelter and Utility Costs |
Dependent Costs |
Medical Costs |
When a SNAP-only Client Enters Multiple Changes on DTA Connect (Back to Index)
A SNAP-only client in the FAW model may report multiple changes simultaneously or at different times during the same benefit issuance month. When multiple changes are reported for different batch cycles, each change will be reflected in a separate datasheet. However, the entries in BEACON will match the information that they last reported via DTA Connect (i.e., the information in the datasheet that is dated closest to their next benefit issuance date).
There are various possible outcomes if the multiple reported changes occur during case maintenance. Each outcome depends on the timing of each reported change, whether any of the changes result in an Action, and/or whether the changes pertain to the same item or different items.
Anytime a FAW worker pulls an Action, they must remember to check for any Outstanding Actions. If there are Actions associated with the case assigned, the FAW worker must self-assign all the Outstanding Actions to assess the case in its entirety, take any required action, and wrap the changes that do not require any additional verification.
When Autowrapping is Suspended Due to an Action
When a SNAP-only client in the FAW model reports multiple changes via DTA Connect, autowrapping will not occur if any reported change produces an Action, even if one or more of the other changes otherwise qualify for autowrapping.
In these instances, you must determine if you can wrap the case with the reported changes, or if you need additional information to resolve the Action.
If you determine that you cannot wrap the case with the information that produced the Action (e.g., you need to send a VC-1), you must wrap the case with only the information that qualifies for wrapping.
Important |
In this scenario, if you are wrapping the case with only the information that qualifies, do not remove the unverified item from the BEACON record. If you remove it, the client will no longer see the entry in the DTA Connect My Info page. Instead, leave it unverified in the Verification tab when you wrap the case. |
Example: Chester (he/him) reports via DTA Connect that his rent increased to $600 per month. This increase does not result in a SLAM scenario. BEACON automatically wraps the case and creates a pending release for the next month. A few days later, Chester logs back into DTA Connect and reports that he pays for dependent care; however, he selects Reason Not Listed for the dependent care reason. This produces the DTA Connect – Dependent Care Reason action, and BEACON automatically removes the pending release. Upon receiving the Action, the FAW follows the procedures detailed in Dependent Care Expenses Deduction and cold calls Chester, but the call is unsuccessful. The FAW sends an optional VC-1 for the dependent care reason. After sending the VC-1, the FAW marks rent as verified and leaves the mileage unverified, and wraps the case with the $600 in rent. The FAW writes a detailed narrative and dispositions the Action.
When Multiple Entered Changes Result in Multiple Actions
If a client reports multiple changes via DTA Connect, it may result in more than one Action. Anytime a FAW receives an Action, they must self-assign all Outstanding Actions related to the case that they are working on, whether the action(s) is a DTA-Connect-related action or some other action pending for the assigned case.
Example: Mariah (she/her) reports via DTA Connect a new residential address that is outside of Massachusetts, and new shelter costs that exceed her total monthly income. This produces two Actions: DTA Connect – Out of State Address (see Updating Address for more information) and DTA Connect – SLAM Review (see Updating Shelter Costs and/or SUA for more information). The first Action that is received by a FAW is DTA Connect – Out of State Address. The FAW must then select Outstanding and self-assign the DTA Connect – SLAM Review Action. The FAW must follow the procedures detailed in Updating Address and Updating Shelter Costs and/or SUA and complete both Actions.
BEACON Activity Related to Multiple Entered Changes
If a client uses DTA Connect to report a change while there is a pending release or an Outstanding Action for a change that the client reported earlier via DTA Connect, BEACON will follow one of the procedures below:
If the first reported change and the last reported change both qualify for autowrapping, the last reported change will cause BEACON to delete the pending release associated with the first reported change. BEACON will then rewrap the case.
If the changes were to different items, BEACON will rewrap the case with both changes.
Example: Patrick (he/him) uses DTA Connect to report that his monthly rent decreased from $200 to $150. A few minutes later, BEACON runs a batch that captures Patrick’s reported changes and wraps the case with the new rent amount. This creates a pending release in BEACON for Patrick’s next issuance month. A few hours later, Patrick uses DTA Connect to report that his weekly dependent care expenses decreased from $35 to $30. About 20 minutes later, BEACON runs another batch that captures these reported changes, deletes the pending release with just the change in rent and rewraps the case with both reported changes in rent and dependent care.
If the changes were to the same item, BEACON will rewrap the case with the information provided in the last reported change.
Example: Elizabeth (she/her) uses DTA Connect to report that her monthly rent decreased from $300 to $250. A few minutes later, BEACON runs a batch that captures Elizabeth’s reported changes and wraps the case with the new rent amount. This creates a pending release in BEACON for Elizabeth’s next issuance month. A few hours later, Elizabeth uses DTA Connect to correct that her monthly rent decreased from $300 to $200. About 20 minutes later, BEACON runs another batch that captures these reported changes, deletes the pending release with just the change in rent and rewraps the case with the last rent amount that Elizabeth reported.
If at least one change does not qualify for autowrapping and results in an Action, BEACON will create the Action and code as verified the change that qualifies for autowrapping. Autowrapping will not occur whenever there is an Action.
Summary Table
The multiple-change reporting scenarios detailed above are summarized in the following table:
When a SNAP-only Client Updates DTA Connect During Application, Interim Report, or Recertification Period (Back to Index)
Clients can use DTA Connect to update their case information anytime, including when their case is at application, IR, or recertification.
If a SNAP-only client in the FAW model makes an update on DTA Connect during their application period, 45-day recertification, or 45-day IR period, BEACON will create the Action: DTA Connect – Reported Change. When this occurs, BEACON will add a pencil to revisit the page(s) pertinent to what the client reported on DTA Connect.
If you receive this Action, you must apply the procedures detailed in the DTA Connect – Reported Change section in SNAP Application Processing, Simplified Reporting – Recertification, or Simplified Reporting – Interim Report.
BEACON will not autowrap any changes reported via DTA Connect during application, recertification, or IR.
Note |
If a client uses DTA Connect to report multiple changes during application, IR, or recertification resulting in multiple DTA Connect – Reported Change Actions, the processing responsibilities described in the When Multiple Entered Changes Result in Multiple Actions section above apply. The FAW who takes the first Action must self-assign all other related Actions that are outstanding when the first Action appears. The FAW must review the datasheet(s) and update BEACON with everything that the client reported via DTA Connect. If the case is ready to be processed it must be wrapped and approved. |
Using DTA Connect to Update Cases in a Closed/Denied Status (Back to Index)
For cases that are closed or denied, clients will only be able to use DTA Connect to update their phone number, e-mail address, preferred language, and/or mailing address.
Besides phone number, e-mail address, preferred language, and/or mailing address, clients cannot make any other updates to a closed/denied case. If a client uses DTA Connect to update their case while it is active but the case has a pending closure that releases, the changes will feed into BEACON, but there will be no wrap-up or Action.
Reporting/Changing Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) Address While Closed or Denied
If a client with a closed/denied uses DTA Connect to update their mailing address, BEACON will automatically check the Address Confidentiality Program checkbox on the Address page if the client reports the ACP mailing address.
Conversely, if the client’s mailing address on record is the ACP address and they use DTA Connect to update their mailing address to a non-ACP address, BEACON will update the mailing address and automatically uncheck the ACP checkbox.
BEACON will not create the Action: DTA Connect – ACP Ended Update Residential for an inactive case.
Reporting Change via DTA Connect while Closure is Pending
If the client uses DTA Connect to report a change while there is pending release to close the BEACON case, the system will create another batch related to the change reported on DTA Connect.
For SNAP-only cases in the FAW model: If the pending closure releases first, DTA Connect will not create an Action or autowrap the case. The information reported via DTA Connect will be fed into the applicable BEACON page and create a pencil to re-visit the page if the case goes back into a pending status.
For TAFDC or EAEDC or Combo cases with an assigned case manager: If the client uses DTA Connect to report a change while there is pending release to close status, the grantee will still appear on the Client Info Update DTA Connect BEACON view of the assigned case manager, and will remain for 30 days after case closure within this view. The information reported via DTA Connect will be fed into the applicable BEACON page and there will be a pencil to revisit the page if the case goes back into a pending status.
Case Closed While DTA Connect Action is Outstanding
If BEACON creates an Action based on a change reported on DTA Connect but then the case is closed/denied while the Action is outstanding, BEACON will dismiss the Action. However, BEACON will leave a pencil to re-visit the page associated with the change reported on DTA Connect so that staff can review the change if the case is reinstated or the client reapplies.
Restrictions on Bay State CAP Households (Back to Index)
Households on Bay State CAP (BSC) will have limited view and edit capabilities on the DTA Connect My Info page. For BSC households, the My Info page will only display the household members, agency ID, contact information, and address.
BSC households will only be able to edit their contact information and mailing address. Any other changes that BSC households may report to DTA (see Bay State CAP – Reporting Requirements During Case Maintenance) cannot be reported through the My Info page.
Note |
If a former BSC client has a “CAP Shelter Expense” record in the Shelter Expense page, the client can view or remove this record in the My Info page. However, they cannot edit it. A former BSC client will be able to edit or remove all other shelter types, if any, displayed in the My Info page. |