Need and Payment Standards


Every year, the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG, also known as the Federal Poverty Levels or FPLs) are published in the Federal Register by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Clients who apply for TAFDC must demonstrate that their income is at or below the level of need to receive monthly TAFDC payments by meeting two TAFDC financial standards:

The Need Standard

The need standard for each case is used to determine eligibility.  This test is sometimes called the net income eligibility test.  To perform this test of eligibility:


If the countable net income is less than or equal to the need standard, the family is eligible.  

If the countable net income is greater than the need standard, the family is ineligible as this income exceeds 200% of the FPG.


The need and payment standards are posted at This link can be opened in another tab or window to view the standard. An example of a TAFDC Need Standard Breakdown is Table 1.


Raji and their 3 children apply for TAFDC. Their income is $500 monthly from part time employment, no child support is received. After Work Related Expenses are deducted from Raji’s earnings and their earnings also disregarded at 50%, their net countable earned income is less than the Need Standard for a family of 4. They have passed the needs standard test, as they have demonstrated a need for economic assistance.


Table 1.

TAFDC Need Standard Break down

This is Raji’s gross income from wages


Monthly Gross Income

Earned income deductions are subtracted

-  200


BEACON subtracts WRE (Work Related Expenses) from Raji’s gross monthly income.

50% (half) of the earned income is disregarded


After the 50% earned income disregard,

The difference between gross income and subtracted deductions.


The remaining amount is also known as net countable earned income.


Calculating Incremental Need Standards for Large Households

The incremental need standard is used for a family with more than 10 people.

For example, for a family with 13 people, that is exempt and eligible for a rent allowance, the need standard is as follows:

Standard for 10 + ((13-10) X incremental standard) =

$1754.00 + (3 X $139.00) =

$1754.00 + $417.00 =

$2171.00 (need standard for 13)


The Payment Standard

After the client has demonstrated Need, the Payment Standard for each case is used to determine the grant amount.

A rent allowance of $40 is applied to the payment amount when a client resides in an unsubsidized housing (private housing) unit to assist with the cost. A client who resides in a subsidized unit (public housing) does not receive this allowance.

You must ensure the correct housing type is selected the Shelter Expense window in BEACON for accurate benefit calculation.


Understanding the benefit calculation

Although the financial test of eligibility is performed automatically based on the financial information entered, to understand the calculation, go to the Result tab on the Electronic Case Folder (ECF), and access the Financial tab to see the calculation.


To manually determine the TAFDC monthly payment:

Table 2.

TAFDC Benefit Payment Standard

(How to determine monthly benefit payment)

Refer to Federal Poverty Guideline/Level for Household size

*Check chart for rent allowance


Raji’s family is a Household of 4 FPG chart shows a $912 Need Standard.

They live in subsidized housing.

Need Standard subtracted from net countable income

-  150


$762 = Payment Standard (monthly benefit or grant amount)



After passing the Need Standard test of eligibility, you refer to the Federal Poverty Guidelines for a household of 4 and note that Raji’s family reside in public housing. You subtract the FPG amount from their net countable income and determine they are eligible for TAFDC monthly benefit payment.


For clients to be eligible for the 100% Earned Income Disregard, they cannot have countable income that exceeds 200% FPL.

(For purposes of the 200% FPL test household size is determined by filing unit size, please see the 200% FPL test page for detailed information).


Household size

200% FPL

TAFDC No Rent Allowance

TAFDC with Rent Allowance









































Each additional household member





The following chart shows 200% Federal Poverty Level Need and Payment Standards with and without a rental allowance by household size.


The FPG is updated every January with the new FPL on this chart.

The monthly grant amounts do not increase at the beginning of the year as the FPL. Any benefit increase is subject to the annual TAFDC budget set by legislation.



Need and Payment Standards Policy and Procedures


  Last Update:  January 31, 2024