SNAP regulations provide that certain qualified noncitizens may be eligible for SNAP based on disability as long as the disability meets the federal disability standards, regardless of date of entry into the U.S. Noncitizen clients who receive any of the following Disability benefits are automatically eligible for SNAP. These include:
RR Disability
Recipient RSDI Disabled Recipient/Certified
SSI Disabled Recipient/Certified
Aid to Blind Recipient/Certified
MassHealth Disability
Disabled Child Deceased Veteran/Certified
Disabled Spouse Deceased Veteran/Certified
Totally Disabled Veteran/Certified
Government Disability
Retirement Disabled Recipient
Reminder |
DTA must provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities allowing all clients to meet Department requirements and to utilize Department services. See ADA and Reasonable Accommodations. Also see Recognizing an ADA Accommodation Request; Responding to Callers Requesting Assistance; and ADA and Assisting Clients. |
SDX Noncitizen Indicator Codes
The Noncitizen indicator Codes on the SDX Basic Screen, in PACES FMCS, is a one letter or number code which represents the individual’s citizen/noncitizen status as determined by the Social Security Administration, if an SSA application has been made, and is another source to assist you in the determination of an applicant’s eligibility.
Noncitizens who do Not Receive Disability Benefits but Meet Disability Standards
EAEDC Elderly Noncitizens (65 and over)
Elderly noncitizens, over 65, qualify for EAEDC due to their age. Some of these noncitizens with an INS Designation that has a five-year bar qualify for SNAP if they are found to be disabled at the federal level.
The EAEDC Medical Provider Statement provides noncitizen EAEDC clients who are 65 or over and have a disability and have been in the U.S. less than five years the opportunity to apply for SNAP benefits based on disability. The form establishes that the client has a disability for SNAP purposes:
if a licensed medical provider completes the diagnosis section of the form,
indicates on the form that the health issue or combination of health issues is expected to last one year or more or result in death,
provides their contact information, their name, and their board registration number, and
signs the form.
This form (the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement) simplifies the disability determination process for EAEDC elderly noncitizens not receiving SSI because of the five-year bar, but who are likely to be determined disabled at the federal level in light of:
Educational, and
LEP considerations
Important |
The EAEDC Medical Provider Statement can only be used for:
EAEDC Non-Elderly Noncitizens (Under 65)
Clients under 65, including noncitizens, must prove disability in order to receive EAEDC benefits. These clients will be provided with the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement. If the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement indicates that the health issue or combination of health issues is expected to last one year or more or result in death, the client is disabled at the federal level. If this client is a noncitizen with INS Designation that has a five-year bar, the client would be eligible for SNAP even if they are in the U.S. for less than 5 years, provided they meet all other SNAP eligibility requirements.
EAEDC noncitizen applicants or clients, regardless if application is due to disability, age or caretaker status, must be allowed the opportunity to prove SNAP eligibility based on disability. You must ask the noncitizen client if they have a disability or health condition even if they are not applying for EAEDC as a disabled individual. If yes, you must give the client the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement to verify disability, which could be the basis for SNAP eligibility.
SNAP Outreach to Households with Disability Determination Batched into BEACON
BEACON has been programmed to select certain noncitizens who are:
not receiving SNAP benefits but who are receiving EAEDC
are under the five-year waiting period for SNAP eligibility, and
have been certified by DES as meeting the RSDI or SSI disability standard (federal level)
If a disability standard is returned from DES, and this disability is coded as Federal certify = Yes on the Disability page, BEACON will automatically generate a cover letter for each client outlining their potential eligibility for SNAP benefits. This notice/abbreviated application encourages the client to complete, sign and return the enclosed special SNAP application to DTA.
A weekly informational report entitled Disabled EAEDC Noncitizens Potentially Eligible for Food Stamps can be found in Reports Analysis & Protected Information Dashboards (RAPID) in the Matches Detail folder. Please see RAPID Reports for instructions on using RAPID.
BEACON will automatically enter a narrative that reads: “Disabled EAEDC noncitizen potentially eligible for FS notice sent.” The notice itself will be displayed in the Client Communications Tab.
Your Responsibilities
When taking an EAEDC application for a noncitizen who is 65 or over and who has been in the U.S. less than five years, you must explore the possibility that the applicant has a disability that, once verified, may qualify the applicant for SNAP benefits. You must ask the client if they have a disability and, if so you must:
complete the SNAP portion of the BEACON application with the EAEDC application,
provide the applicant with an EAEDC Medical Provider Statement and explain how to have the form completed and how to return the form along with any other necessary verifications within required time frame, and
process the case following established procedures for completing an EAEDC and SNAP application.
Noncitizen Meets Disability Standard
If the client returns the completed and signed EAEDC Medical Provider Statement within the required timeframe, and a licensed medical provider indicates:
that the patient has a health issue or combination of health issues that substantially reduces or eliminates the patient’s ability to support themself,
a diagnosis, and
a duration of more than 12 months or expected to result in death, then the client has verified their disability for SNAP eligibility.
Entering the Disability
Disability Page
When the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement is returned and confirms that a client meets disability at the federal level, you must enter the disability on the Disability page as follows:
Click Yes for Disabled
Select Client Statement from the Disability determination source drop down
Note |
The figure above has an expiration date visible in the Expiration field indicating the client had a previous PRO disability determination made by Disability Determination Services (DES) that has expired. This does not go away when client statement is selected. |
There are four additional fields on the page, two of which must be entered to complete the page:
Federal certify – click Yes
Other party responsible – not applicable for SNAP
Duration declaration – not applicable for SNAP
MRC referral – if applicable, select the date you referred the client to Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
Disability Determination Page
The Disability Determination page consists of two tabs both of which must be completed when Client Statement is selected as the Disability determination source. They are:
Medical Report and
Review Tracking
Enter the information on the Review Tracking tab as follows:
Supplement sent: enter the date you are speaking to the client.
Supplement return: enter the date the date you are speaking to the client, and
Priority: select No.
Enter the information on the Medical Report Tab as follows:
Sent date: enter the date the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement was sent to the client.
Return date: enter the date the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement was returned.
Duration: select 12 months or more.
End: enter the date that is 12 months plus one day from the date the form was signed by the provider.
Signed: enter the date the provider signed the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement.
When the Noncitizen does not Meet the Federal Disability Standard
If the medical provider has indicated the client does not have a health issue or combination of health issues that is expected to last 12 months or more or result in death, the noncitizen is not eligible for SNAP. Deny the SNAP by selecting Ineligible Noncitizen in the Reason Category on the AU tab of the AU Composition results page.
When the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement is Not Returned
If the client does not return the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement within the required time frame, deny the SNAP by selecting Ineligible Noncitizen in the Reason Category on the AU tab of the AU Composition results page.
When the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement is Returned Incomplete
If the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement is returned and is incomplete, you must attempt to obtain the missing information by collateral contact. For additional procedures on how to implement this guidance please see Responding to the EAEDC Medical Provider Statement for details.
Case Manager Responsibilities
During the interview, you must:
use available information in the cash case record and information obtained during the application interview to complete the BEACON application,
obtain verifications as needed and approve the SNAP case within standard timeframes, if eligible. (Remember that claiming some expenses such as shelter and utility costs is optional, although these expenses may increase the amount of SNAP benefits, if verified. Also, remember to assist clients in obtaining verifications, if help is needed), and
ensure the client has an EBT card.
You must continue to process EAEDC applications as usual in accordance with current procedures for these noncitizens..
Noncitizen does not Meet Disability Standard
BEACON has been automated to close SNAP benefits for certain noncitizen EAEDC clients who are under the five-year waiting period for SNAP eligibility and whose Disability Determination page is coded by DES as not disabled or disabled but not RSDI or SSI certified on the Disability Tracking tab. The closing reason will be: Ineligible noncitizen. The following message will be created in the BEACON Narrative tab: “FS client and/or AU closed because PRO disposition indicates noncitizen client is no longer disabled. Client has a U.S. Entry Date within the last 60 months.”
Reminder |
If the SNAP case closes, you must explore other potential noncitizen eligibility factors (such as Verifying 40 Quarters) to ensure that the client receives SNAP benefits if eligible on a basis other than disability. |
Entering Legal Permanent Resident Data
Entering Sponsor Deeming Data Noncitizen Data
Disabled Noncitizen Policy and Procedures